Aerial view of Townsville showing residential houses, river in the middle and mountains on the right
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Commercial & residential subdivisions

There are two types of residential subdivisions, Urban Residential and Rural Residential:

  1. Urban Residential subdivisions have an average lot size smaller than 2,000 m2 and have frontages of 15 to 25 metres
  2. Rural Residential subdivisions have an average lot size greater than 2,000 m2 each.

There can also be Commercial subdivisions. The electrical infrastructure in new commercial subdivisions is designed according to lot size, unless you specify a higher load.

  1. 1 Engage a Consultant

    You'll first need to engage a consultant from our Subdivision Construction Accredited Service Providers List (PDF 179.7 kb). They'll liaise with us to progress your connection enquiry. This includes an assessment of our network to determine if any upgrade works are required to meet your energy needs.

    You’ll need to submit a design with your application that meets our connection and planning requirements. See step 2 below.

    If you have multiple (two or more) stages, a Master Plan showing the lots, conduits and high voltage network for the entire development is recommended.

  2. 2 Design

    Your design drawings must be completed by one of our Subdivision Design Accredited Consultants (PDF 170.3 kb) to ensure they meet our design parameters. Your subdivision consultant will arrange this.

  3. 3 Application

    Your consultant will apply for connection of the subdivision on your behalf.

    There'll be various costs, including an application fee, site inspection charges, commissioning charges and a bond. See our latest price lists on our Connections charges web page.

    We’ll need the following to process your application:

    • Your engagement of a consultant from our Accredited Service Provider list
    • Your acceptance of the application fee
    • An electronic copy of the proposed subdivision Electrical Reticulation/Street Lighting Plan
    • A copy of the local government’s conditions for the development approval.
  4. 4 Offer

    We'll generally make a connection offer to your consultant within two weeks of receiving your completed application.

    To accept our connection offer and enter into a Subdivision Electricity Supply Agreement you must:

    • Return signed copies of the Subdivision Electricity Supply Agreement
    • Pay any relevant fees
    • Satisfy all other requirements set out in the contract by the due date.

    If the connection offer is not accepted by the due date, it will automatically lapse and you'll need to apply again.

  5. 5 Construct

    Site construction works may only commence once an Accredited Service Provider has been appointed by your consultant and advised to us, and we have issued an Approval to Construct.

  6. 6 Connection

    After construction, your service provider will notify us to energise the development. The timeframes for energisation are 20 working days for high voltage and 10 working days for low voltage.

  7. 7 Audit & Acceptance

    Following energisation, your service provider will submit a Certificate of Completion package to us. We'll then conduct a final audit.

    Any defects found during this final audit must be rectified before a Certificate of Acceptance can be issued by us. Once this has been issued and all easements are registered, we can release any bonds we may be holding.