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Electrical contractors Portal Video 1
Skip to descriptionHello, and welcome to the first video in our how-to series where we look at the different types of Portal forms, and when best to use them all.
These videos are designed with flexibility in mind and and to cater to the viewer’s needs.
In this video, I’ll be comparing each of main form categories and giving suggestions as to situations where these may be required.
While not intended to be an exhaustive guide, I hope that this series removes some of the confusion around the different Portal forms and helps you to avoid delays from having to resubmit.
There are three main forms that Energex or Ergon can require: Enquiries, Connects (otherwise known as a CX) and Electrical Work Requests (or EWRs).
Depending on your situation, you may need to use one, or all of these to complete work for the customer.
So first, what is an enquiry?
An enquiry form is a way for either yourself or the customer to obtain further information or confirmation before proceeding with a full application.
This is often needed for customers who have recently bought a block of land or looking to confirm a major change is viable before going ahead.
Some examples where this is useful include:
- Confirming customer's maximum demand is available from a certain location (also known as a request for Supply Availability)
- Where a proposed Embedded Generation installation will exceed 30kVA in capacity
- Where a network asset needs to be relocated (such as a pole or pillar)
- Needing advice for the location of a Point of Attachment
- Where the proposed maximum demand will exceed 1400 amps (know as a Large Customer Connection); or
- Where your customer is looking for an estimated cost to supply power to a block they are looking to purchase (Budget Estimate).
In general, the best option is to submit one as soon as you know it’s needed.
This is especially important for Supply Availability or Asset Relocation enquiry, because assessment of these enquiries can significantly delay completion of the work or require a Network Project to complete.
So, what is a Connect (CX)?
A Connect is the first application step for a new connection, or where there are significant changes to the point of supply or maximum demand at a given address. They are also essential for Solar installations where a DER Record information is being created or changed.
The Distributor provides a Network Offer based on the information in this Connect form, so it is also important that it is as accurate as possible.
For electrical connections, a CX is essential for:
- New connections of any kind (including changes between temporary/permanent supplies
- Changing an existing connection's maximum demand
- Changing the number of phases on an existing connection
- Moving the Point of Attachment (POA) for an existing connection
For solar or other Embedded Generation installs, a CX will be required when:
- Installing a new Embedded Generation system
- Changing components where the results are NOT like for like (e.g. changing make, model or capacity)
- Adding additional panel capacity; and
- Adding battery storage devices.
Where a change is considered 'metering only', you can move directly to the EWR process instead. This is the case for work such as installing controlled load or when you are moving or relocating a meter.
Again, if ANY service upgrades or POA works are being completed, these will still require a Connect.
If in doubt, contact the Distributor to clarify the requirements first.
And finally, Electrical Work Requests (or EWRs)
The EWR certifies that all prerequisite works are completed by you as the Electrical Contractor and that the site is ready for the Distributor or Meter Provider to complete their part of the request.
An EWR is required for any new, or existing connection. Even if the work only involves third-party Metering Providers, an EWR is still required to be sent through, so that the Distributor can forward this information to the relevant retailer.
Within South-East Queensland, the only exception for needing an EWR is in the case of Solar system changes, such as changing the inverter or number of panels onsite. First-time installations will always still require an EWR to ensure that a metering provider attends the site and completes the install.
So to summarise,
- An Enquiry is used generally at the start of works to confirm certain details before placing a full application into the Distributor
- A Connect Application is the first step in the application, and acts as the approval to complete specific works onsite. The information on this form assists the Distributor in providing a Network Offer to the customer
- The EWR form is a confirmation that the site is safe, ready for test, and any further work by the Distributor or Metering Provider is now ready to proceed.
- Aside from alterations on Solar applications in the South East, an EWR is required after all works.
In future videos within this series, you will see some common scenarios, and what actions are required in the portal.
As always, these are not your only support option available, and the Distributor website in your area will have various resources and manuals that can also help you out.
Alternatively, you can also contact the Contractors Hotline in your area to gain assistance as needed during business hours.
I hope this video has gone some way to help you out with customer enquiries and thank you for watching. Goodbye.
Portal forms overview
An overview of the portal forms for Enquiries, Connects (CX) and Electrical Work Requests (EWR) and when to use them.
Guides & training materials
Bulk meter conversion process
These documents provide information on how to submit an application and outline the process and requirements.
More information?
Our FAQs may help you with an enquiry on the portal.
Questions & feedback
Do you have a question or feedback on the Electrical Partners Portal? You can:
- email our Portal Team at energexportal@energex.com.au
- or call our Contractor Hotline on 1300 762 397 (Monday to Friday).