Accredited Service Provider Ratings
Accredited Service Providers (ASP) are companies authorised by us to install any of the approved shared assets and underground, aerial or wireless telecommunication equipment on our network. ASPs hold our ‘contractor rating’ for equipment installation and maintenance works on our network infrastructure, as follows:
- Telecommunications equipment
- Underground Rating (Fibre)
- Aerial Rating (NBN, HFC, PSTN)
- Wireless Rating (5G)
- Other equipment
- Shared Assets Rating (CCTV, Smart Sensors & other devices)
ASP ratings are issued at a contractor company level and involve an application fee for the review of your business management systems and capability evaluation. This is to ensure you have the relevant processes and procedures in place to support the work you do, and ensure your employees are competently trained and accredited, while meeting our network training and accreditation requirements.
Looking for an accredited installer? For a list of our current ASPs, please refer to our Resources and documents page.
Authorisations needed
A company will require the following two authorisations to carry out shared asset and telecommunication equipment installations and maintenance on our network infrastructure:
- Authorised Persons approval is an individual level authorisation which is a government legislative requirement to work near our electricity network assets. This letter does not provide authorisation to work ON our network assets such as poles, but to work within exclusion zones of our network assets only. Read more about Authorised Persons.
- Accredited Service Provider rating is a company level authorisation providing authorisation for a company and its direct employees undertaking works on or near our network, in accordance with relevant work category specification requirements.
If you are in the telecommunications industry, and have experience with telecommunication equipment installations, consider becoming an ASP with us. Make a Rated ASP enquiry today.
Training and accreditation requirements
Details of the training and accreditation requirements can differ for each rating and scope of works involved. These are outlined in the Work Categories Specification (WCS) documents of each rating and should always be referred too. Read more about our WCS documents on our Resources and documents page.
Booking training
For any training specific to our network, as outlined in the relevant WCS document, you can make bookings via Esitrain who provide technical training to the Electricity Supply Industry across our network.
Staying informed
Our ASPs are encouraged to register to our Standard Work Procedures (SWP) and technical documents via our SWP Portal.