Scoping work in Planella

Integrated management system

We regard environmental responsibility and sustainable development principles as critical.

We are committed to delivering best practice environmental outcomes and continually improving our environmental and cultural heritage performance through our Integrated Management System (IMS). Our IMS has been developed in accordance with the standard AS/NZS ISO 14001:2004 Environmental Management Systems and is accredited by an independent third-party certification body.

The standard sets out a framework which enables us to manage the risk of environmental and cultural heritage impacts from its operations. Our IMS addresses issues such as risk identification and management, planning, training, reporting, auditing, and review.

The Standards Australia website provides further information about Standards in Australia. The ISO 14000 series has been adopted in Australia and New Zealand as the AS/NZS ISO 14000 series. Copies can be purchased either from their website or Customer Service Centre on 131 242.