Community Fund grant recipients
Congratulations to our 2025 Community Fund grant recipients!
See the list of successful recipients below and read more about the projects they're delivering.
2025 recipients
Organisation | Area | Brief description of the project | Funding Granted |
Anglican Church of St James the Great and St Lukes | Mount Isa | Community Hall energy efficiency upgrade, supporting local groups such as dance, boxing and youth groups to access affordable and sustainable hall hire costs. | $9,420 |
Antique Machinery Restoration Society Queensland | Caboolture | Laying of concrete slab for a new machinery shed, allowing the AMRSQ to safely house and display a large collection of antique machinery and stationary engines | $10,000 |
Arcadia Valley Recreation Association | Arcadia Valley | Replacement of old bar fridge with a new, reliable and economical model for their community hall where local residents hold tennis tournaments and trivia nights. | $5,225 |
Bayside BMX Club | Gumdale | Upgrades to existing and additional lights on the BMX track to energy efficient LED lighting, supporting rider safety with better vision during their rides. | $9,365 |
Bunya Mountains Community Assoc Inc (BMCAI) | Bunya Mountains | Supply of satellite phone to ensure support staff at local Critical Incident Control Centre can contact emergency services as part of their disaster preparedness. | $4,900 |
Cabarlah Sports & Festival Committee Inc. | Groomsville | Installation of three-phase power upgrade to improve community facilities that accommodate the monthly Cabarlah Market and identified QRFS emergency centre. | $4,746 |
Caloundra and Districts Rugby League Football Club | Golden Beach | Installation of 13kW of solar panels for grounds that serves a 20km regional catchment. Solar will support lower running costs and assist in keeping membership affordable in the region. | $10,000 |
Clermont Kindergarten Day Care | Clermont | Replacement of old and addition of new air-conditioners to make the centre more energy efficient and to keep staff and children cool during increasingly hot temperature periods. | $10,000 |
Cungulla Rural Fire Brigade | Cungulla | Upgrade existing lights and fans to energy efficient equipment and upgrade the sub-board to current standards to support a generator during emergency situations. | $9,300 |
Far North Queensland Wildlife Rescue (FNQWR) | Manunda | Helping carers to feed insect and mice eating birds, some of whom have up to ten birds in care. Last financial year FNQWR saved 1723 native birds. | $3,000 |
Fauna Rescue Whitsundays Association Inc. (FRW) | Cannonvale | Erection of outdoor enclosure for koala rehabilitation facility providing an outside exercise area for koalas to practise tree climbing and foraging and protected from predators during their rehabilitation. | $10,000 |
Gladstone Athletics Club | South Gladstone | Upgrade clubhouse to solar energy system and acquiring a dedicated equipment trailer used to transport waste and move equipment around the oval, streamlining operations and making it easier to manage equipment for training and events. | $8,000 |
Glastonbury Hall & Recreation Association Inc. | Glastonbury | Electrical upgrade of the 104- year-old Glastonbury Hall, only one of three community owned facility in the region, to compliantly accommodate solar and metering upgrades. | $4,270 |
Highfields and District Kindergarten | Highfields | Replace faulty freestanding oven to meet safety standards for use in a kindergarten (i.e. accurate and clear temperate gauge, safety switch, knobs located on the back of the oven inaccessible by children.) | $1,925 |
Kooralbyn Valley MTB Club Inc | Kooralbyn | Support transition from petrol-powered equipment to electric alternatives for trail maintenance like whipper snippers, chainsaws, and weed sprayers, promoting sustainability and reducing environmental impact. | $8,120 |
Maryborough Garden Club Inc | Maryborough | Solar capabilities and energy efficient equipment for ‘The Hut’ clubhouse which hosts local Kids Club, playgroup, Community Garden, Dance, art, music, drumming, cooking, wood, craft classes, gardening, choir and more. | $10,000 |
Mission Beach Community Arts Centre Inc. (Mission Arts) | Mission Beach | Time-shift pottery kiln operation replace existing solar-only inverter with three-phase 'hybrid' inverter and install solar battery, suitable for powering pottery kilns at any time. | $10,000 |
Moore Park Beach Community Association Inc. | Moore Park Beach | Upgrade drinks fridge a quiet and energy efficient fridge to replace leaking fridge to eliminate an existing slip hazard safety risk for volunteers and community groups. | $9,500 |
No Boundaries Disability Support Inc | Margate | Lighting upgrade to carpark area to assist in transportation to and from day respite centres and install air conditioning existing change room to ensure comfortable changes during the day. | $4,543 |
Norman Park Community Kindergarten | Norman Park | Installation of solar panels and solar generation system, enabling the Kindy energy savings to support cooling in the building for children during the day. | $6,990 |
North Ipswich Bowls Club inc. | North Ipswich | Removal floor to ceiling non safety glass and windows from the northern side of clubhouse replaced with insulated walls and 1500mm high safety compliant tinted windows to mitigate heat. | $10,000 |
Pushing Barriers Inc | Darra | Youth of refugee backgrounds will have access to and participate in local sports clubs with correct uniforms, equipment, supported by a volunteer network that providing transportation and engagement with clubs. | $5,000 |
Toowong Uniting Church | Toowong | Installation of defibrillator in an accessible place to benefit Toowong Uniting Church staff, volunteers and leaders of community groups who use the church premises. | $3,000 |
Torres Shire Council | Thursday Island | Supporting the development of the community gardens on Thursday Island and the aquaponics set up on Horn Island, the mass planting of fruit trees is the final piece of Torres Shire Councils food security climate resilience program. | $8,500 |
Wongai Basketball Association | Thursday Island | Engaging Torres Strait youth on Thursday Island through enhancing the existing program with the acquisition of essential equipment, such as new basketballs, a shot clock, scoring table, referee uniforms, and training gear. | $7,000 |
Woodford Scout Group - Scout Association of Australia Queensland Branch Inc. | Woodford | Replace old florescent lighting, indoor and outdoor to energy efficient LED’s for clubhouse to make it safer and more energy efficient for participants. | $2,882 |
Young Animal Protection Society (YAPS) | Smithfield | Two facilities in Cairns will acquire new generators for supply of 24x7 power to operate critical air-conditioning, ventilation, and refrigeration to keep the dogs and cats cool and fed during emergency situations. | $10,000 |