Powerline markers
We recommend that property owners mark powerlines to make them more visible and help prevent contact with them. We have a range of overhead warning markers you can use where low level flying operations take place or where machinery is frequently operated.
Refer to our Powerline marker flyer (PDF 1.8 mb) for more information.
Rotamarkers incentive program
To assist the construction, agriculture and aviation industries, we are currently offering to install up to 10 rotamarkers per property at a reduced cost of $100 each (more than ten markers per property may incur extra installation costs).
Use the lookupandlive.com app and if you identify an area of concern on your property or site, please complete our Safety Advice Form.
Aircraft warning markers
You are responsible for organising the installation of powerline markers where regular low-level flying operations take place on your property. To arrange for markers to be installed, complete our Safety Advice Form.
Aerial markers should only be installed, maintained or removed by us.
Choose marker colours that are highly visible and contrast with background colours. Different colours can be used for different directions and backgrounds (e.g. white and orange alternated).
As the person requesting planned low-level flying activities, requesting markers is your responsibility under AS 3891.1:2021 Air navigation - Cables and their supporting structures - Marking and safety requirements. The pilot or pilot’s delegate will need to be satisfied by these markers before starting low-level operations.
Who's responsible for what
- The person requesting planned low-level flying operations (e.g. the landowner) is responsible for requesting installation of markers
- The pilot or pilot’s delegate should be satisfied as to the need for and effectiveness of markers before starting low-level flying operations
- Aerial markers should only be installed, maintained or removed by us.